About This Document:
This document details the Prendio Proxy Detail Summary report. This report provides details on the status of proxy requests at your company. As of this writing, the following columns are included in this report:

PO Number, PO Requester (First Name Last Name), Type of Proxy Request, Date(s) Proxy Request Sent, Proxy Requested by (First Name Last Name), Date Proxy Request Closed (Proxy No Longer Needed), Date Packing Slip Vouchered, Proxy User, Response Time(days), Invoice Number, and Supplier Name.

About Proxy Requests:
When the Packing Slip is missing from the Prendio Three-Way Match (PO + Packing Slip + Invoice), a Proxy Request is sent to the Cart Requester. 

Accessing this report requires the AP Management role.

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AP Management > Reports:

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1. The Prendio Proxy Request Summary report is available from the Report: pulldown menu. 

2. Pressing Email Report will email the report to the logged-on user when complete.

Note: When "Email Report" is pressed, this button will be grayed out while the request is processed.

3. To monitor the progress press Status Check can be pressed to monitor the progress of the request and download the results when complete.

Status Check:

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4. The Status of the request will display here.

5. Refresh can be pressed to update the status of the request.

6. The Download icon can be pressed to download the results when complete.

Email Results:

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7. The results will also be attached to the Email Message.